Creative People
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CSR Vision
Empowering through education, skill enhancement for the underprivileged section of the society and supporting ecological sustainability
CSR Mission
Company's CSR initiatives aim at creating an environment which is conducive for self and peer development of underprivileged sections of the society and assist in overall environmental conservation
Our Values
1. Environment Conservation We use scarp wood from different big saw mills. To make useful articles for office and household use.
2. Social Upliftment To streamline the socio-economic life of hearing impaired youth.
3. Employment generation To create employment opportunities for specially abled hearing impaired youth.

Ton Scrap Wood
Old Tyers
KG News Paper
& 20 + Hearing impaired youth are Empower
CSR Aras and Initiative
- Employment, enhancement and entrepreneurship
- Development
- Education
- Environmental
- Sustainability
Enrolment of Hearing Impaired youth:
- Increasing number of hearing impaired
- Skill Enhancement of hearing impaired
Affirmative action towards differentially abled
- Creating Awareness
- Support towards creative abilities of differentially abled.
- Empowering social, economically, mentally and politically
- Build self confidence among hearing Impaired
Product Designing
- Creative products
- Enhance Product designing skill among Hearing Impaired
- Sustainable social and environmental use of scrap material of Products
Extent your Support for Upliftment and Development of Hearing Impaired
- Be volunteers for product designing
- Help in Promoting Eco- Friendly products
- Corporate
- Festive Exhibitions
Volunteer Programme
- Collaborating Outreach volunteer and internship programmes
Healthy Practices
- The Trainees birth days are celebrated in the Training Centre
- The World Disability day celebration
- The parents meeting for feel proud of their learning and working daughter
- 1 hour drawing class for up gradation of the Skills
- Holidays for celebrating the festivals
- Attending the ceremony of the colleagues
- Exposure of the exhibitions for the better creativity
- Involving the Hearing Impaired youth for the Purchasing of raw Material
Japanese Interns, Student Visit
Every year we have 3 to 4 Japanese interns for the duration of one month
Vocational training and Skill Development Programme
Every Day 2 hours training for skill development
Employee Engagement Programme
CSR client employees are involved in developing products
Employees children enjoy interacting with Hearing Impaired